Academic Lecture (146): “Cinematography”
Start Time
21 Nov, 2022End Time
21 Nov, 2022Location
No.1 Building R201Lecturer

Wayne Lo
Wayne was born in 1984, Taipei, Taiwan, and graduated from the National Taiwan University of Arts with a master’s degree in Fine Arts. He works as a cinematographer for short and feature films, music videos, and commercials in Asia.
Wayne’s talent has come to us through his lens, and he always considers cinematography to be a form of translation, translating not only the thoughts of characters but the minds of directors as well.
Wayne’s works were invited by numerous film festivals. And his latest short film, Last Stop: Paradise(2019), was selected by the 23rd Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival this year. His first VR project, Your Spiritual Temple Sucks (2017), was in selection at 2018 Sundance Film Festival and won “Best innovative storytelling” at World VR Forum and “First prize” at Inception and KaleidoVR Online VR Film Festival in 2018.