Alumni Colloquium (19): “My Journey from Theatre Design to Film Production Design.”
Start Time
3 Dec, 2021Location
No.1 Building 108RLecturer

Huei-Li Liao
B.A.- National Taiwan University – Theater and Drama, Taiwan
Production Designer Credits
The Soul. Directed by Cheng Wei-hao, 2021
Moneyboys. Directed by Chen Bo Yilin, 2021
Shin Mi Gung San Sheng Lu. Directed by Bo-You Niou, upcoming
The Taste of Rice Flower. Directed by Peng Fei, 2018
Territory of Love. Directed by Romain Cogitore, 2018
Your Spiritual Temple Sucks (Short). Directed by John Hsu, 2017
The Soul. Winner of the best art direction at the 58th Golden Horse Awards, 2021.
The Soul. Nominated for best art direction at the 23th Taipei Film Awards, 2021.
Journey to the West: Demon Chapter. Nominated for best art direction at the 37th Hong Kong Film Awards, 2018.
Life of Pi. Winner of the best set design at Excellence in Production Design Award, 2013.
The Bird. Selected to Prague Quadrennial Exhibition, Czech 2007.